Ballroom dancing Videos - 22 Videos
The following 22 dancing videos can be found by clicking on the links below:-

Marcus and Karen Hilton (Great Britain) - 9 times Professional
Standard World Champions
Cha Cha Cha - Danced by International Ballroom champions Bryan Watson & Carmen Vincelj
Cha Cha Cha - Danced by Slavik and Elena at Showcase in Spain March 2006
Foxtrot - Danced by Marcus & Karen Hilton Foxtrot Showdance WSS (Nine time professional international standard world champions)
Foxtrot - Danced by Luca and Lorraine Barrachi and at 2002 World Dance Award
Jive - Danced by Bryan Watson and Karen Hardy at WSSL 1998 to Bill Haley and The Comets singing Rock Around The Clock
Jive - Danced by World Champions Bryan Watson and Carmen Vincelj
Paso Doble - Danced by Sergey Ryupin and Elena Khvorova at The World Superstars 2005
Paso Doble - Danced by Jussi Vaananen and Katja Koukkula (Winners of the Eurovision Dance Competition September 2007)
Quickstep - Danced by Kathleen and Randy in USA
Quickstep - Danced by Christopher Hawkins and Hazel Newberry at WSS in 2001 to Sing, Sing, Sing by Count Bassie Orchestra
Rumba - Danced by Bryan Watson and Carmen Vincelj at The World Super Stars Dance Festival 2006
Rumba - Danced by Jussi Vaananen and Katja Koukkula (Winners of the Eurovision Dance Competition September 2007)
Rumba - Danced by Mandy and Ilya - Video by MoonDance Video
Samba - Danced by Bryan Watson and Carmen Vincelj
Samba - Dance demonstration by Michael Wentink and Beata
Tango - Wonderful dance sequence from the 1998 film 'Tango' directed by Carlos Saura and featuring music by Lalo Schiffrin.
Tango - Danced by Christopher Hawkins and Hazel Newberry at International Standard Tango World Superstars
Viennese Waltz - Danced by Timothy Howson and Joanne Bolton Standard Viennese Waltz WSS
Viennese Waltz - Danced by Jetaime Moosavi and Justin Davis at the 2006 Starlite Fall Showcase
Viennese Waltz - Danced by Jonathan and Melissa Atkinson
Waltz - Dance teachers Ken Padron and Gita Hodell demonstrate Waltz at Starlite Dance Club
Waltz - Danced by Christopher Hawkins and Hazel Newberry International Standard Slow Waltz World Superstars