My name is Brian Carter from Eastbourne, East Sussex. I am
a modest social level Ballroom and Latin American dancer and a country music fan.
I took Ballroom and Latin American dance lesson in the early 1970's when
I learnt the bronze medal routines to the various dances, and practised these at various socials at this time. I have not had a lesson since, but have continued to dance socially the same routines that I learnt all
those 35 years ago.
I am a lifetime country music fan, and have been going to country clubs
and holiday venue country music holidays since my early twenties where I have continued to practice my ballroom and latin
american dances.
By the mid-1980’s, Western Dance (including line dancing and western
couple dances) was introduced in the United Kingdom and I became interested in this type of dancing as well.
I still go to line dance and country music clubs but the type of dancing
carried out is now mainly Western Dancing, and I became a keen line dancer and western couple dancer. I taught Western Dance
for six year from 1996 to 2001 as an Instructor but have now mainly retired from coaching.
I have never lost my love for Ballroom and Latin American dancing, and
I have continued to dance my ballroom and latin american routines at line dance and country music clubs as well dancing the
western dances.